Jesuit brothers

A Jesuit brother is a man who consecrates his life to help the mission

Jesuit priests

A Jesuit priest is ordained for sacramental ministry in the Church. His title is “Father.”

Jesuit scholastics

A young Jesuit who plans to be ordained as a priest is called a “scholastic” until he pronounces his Final Vows. Why? Because much of his formation involves studies.


A member of the Society of Jesus.* The term was originally coined as a put down by people who felt there was something terribly arrogant about a group calling itself the Company or Society of Jesus, whereas previous religious orders* had been content to name themselves after their founder (e.g., “Benedictines,” “Franciscans,” “Dominicans”). Later the […]


(also “Jesus [the] Christ,” meaning Jesus ‘[God’s] anointed one’)–The historical person Jesus of Nazareth whom Christians acknowledge to be, by his life (what he taught and did) and his death and resurrection, the true revelation of God and at the same time the exemplar of what it means to be fully human. In other words, […]

Judaeo-Christian Vision or Story, The

Here is a version of the Judaeo-Christian vision or story, told with certain emphases from Ignatius of Loyola.*The great and mysterious Reality of personal love and self-giving that many call God is the origin and destiny of all creation, the whole universe. God is present and at work in everything, leading it to fulfillment. All […]