Five Jesuit novices of the USA East Province pronounced first vows on August 14, 2021 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Syracuse, NY. Pictured below are: Back row: Christian Zombek, SJ, and Luke Lapean, SJ. Front row: Mario Verde, SJ, Robert Lorenz, SJ, and Ronald Jacobs, SJ.
Their journey began two years ago, after much discernment and prayer, when they entered the Jesuit novitiate. Through this foundational time of formation, they have learned the joys and challenges of religious life, new ways of praying, and becoming more accustomed to seeing the world the way St. Ignatius invites us. Prayer, study and apostolic service helped them build a stronger relationship with Jesus—a companionship—that has empowered each of them through grace and courage to kneel before the Eucharist and pronounce perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. With silver crosses in their hands and the official “SJ” after their names, they now embark on the rest of their formation as brothers in Christ, companions in the Society of Jesus.
Click here to watch the full Vow Mass.