Sept. 27, 2018 – Earlier this month the USA Northeast Province held two Masses in celebration of our Jesuit jubilarians. Both Masses were celebrated by Fr. John Cecero, SJ, provincial of the USA Northeast Province. The province is grateful to these men celebrating jubilees for their wholehearted response to God’s call to serve.
On Sept. 16, jubilarians in New York City were joined by hundreds of friends, family members and brother Jesuits at the Fordham University Church. View photos from their Mass below:
 The following Jesuit jubilarians attended the celebration at Fordham: Fr. Alfred Fiorino, SJ, Fr. Francis Clooney, SJ, Fr. Leo Daly, SJ, Fr. James Dinneen, SJ, Fr. Paul Dugan, SJ, Fr. Michael Hoag, SJ, Fr. Richard Hoar, SJ, Fr. Philip Judge, SJ, Fr. Joseph Lienhard, SJ, Fr. Joseph Lux, SJ, Fr. Leo Manglaviti, SJ, Fr. Thomas Massaro, SJ, Fr. Robert McGuire, SJ, Fr. Francis Moy, SJ, Fr. Daniel O’Brien, SJ, Fr. Joseph O’Hare, SJ, Fr. Daniel O’Hare, SJ, Fr. John Podsiadlo, SJ, Fr. Steven Pugliese, SJ, Fr. Patrick Ryan, SJ, Fr. Jose Salazar, SJ, and Fr. Patrick Sullivan, SJ.
On Sept. 23, Boston College High School welcomed the jubilarians as well as family members, friends and fellow Jesuits. View photos from their Mass below:
The following Jesuit jubilarians attended the celebration at Boston College High School: Fr. William Clark, SJ, Fr. John Donohue, SJ, Fr. John Fagan, SJ, Fr. Michael Ford, SJ, Fr. Paul Harman, SJ, Fr. Mark Massa, SJ, Fr. Perard Monestime, SJ, Fr. Laurence, Ryan, SJ, Fr. Francis Sullivan, SJ, and Fr. James Woods, SJ.