Join the Maryland Province in this year’s Novena of Grace

Recite Daily (March 4 – 12)

O most kind and loving Saint Francis Xavier, in union with you I adore the most divine majesty. The memory of the favors with which God blessed you during life, and of your glory after death, fills me with joy. And I unite with you in offering to him my humble tribute of thanksgiving and praise. I implore of you to secure for me, through your powerful intercession, the all-important blessing of living and dying in a state of grace. I also ask you to obtain the favor I ask in this novena. (Mention your petitions.) But if what I ask is not for the greater glory of God, or the good of my soul, obtain for me what is most conducive to both. Amen.

Our Father.       Hail Mary.       Glory Be.

V. Pray for us, Saint Francis Xavier       R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ

O God, who was pleased to gather to your Church the peoples of the East by the preaching and miracles of Saint Francis Xavier, mercifully grant that we, who honour his glorious merits, may also imitate the example of his virtues, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

If you would like to have our Jesuits pray for your intentions, please click here to forward your petitions.

Below are daily reflections on the life of Francis Xavier for each day of the Novena of Grace by Fr. Francis Xavier Moan, SJ, including thoghts on his own personal journey as he shared the name of this great Jesuit saint.

Day 1: March 4

Day 2: March 5

Day 3: March 6

Day 4: March 7

Day 5: March 8

Day 6: March 9

Day 7: March 10

Day 8: March 11

Day 9: March 12


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