Vocations and Formation

Nurturing vocations and providing formation for Jesuits are among the most important priorities of the USA East Province.

Men discerning vocations to the Society of Jesus come from all walks of life and have experienced the Jesuits in many different ways. Our vocation director and his staff responds to each inquiry individually and have created innovative programs that illustrate the breadth and depth of the Society. “Come and See” weekends are hosted by Jesuit communities throughout the region and offer individuals the chance to learn about Jesuit history and spirituality, the life of the vows and the Jesuit way of living.

Each province serves as the representative to the international Society of Jesus to assess Jesuit candidates and determine their suitability for ordained life. Men who are suitable for ministry as Jesuits enter one of our novitiates and take part in extensive studies in theology, philosophy and other subjects. On average, Jesuit formation is completed over a span of time ranging from 9 to 13 years. As Jesuits become available for work, the province missions them to a particular work, including universities, parishes, social ministries and international apostolates.

For more information on becoming a Jesuit, visit www.BeAJesuit.org.


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